End of Year - Survival Tip

Are you counting down the days until summer vacation? or are you already basking in the glory days of summer?   I'm still counting down... it feels like it's going to take forever for June 27th to get here!!

If your students are anything like mine they are having a hard time focusing on school work when summer vacation is just around the corner.  Good weather here is making this more and more of a challenge as classrooms heat up (no A/C) and the lure of the great outdoors beckons!

Here is what I do to to that help keep me and my students going the last few weeks of the school year...

Review Games:  My students are required to write final exams in all subjects and so we spend quite a bit of time playing games to review for their tests. 

Here are a few of my favourites.

Draw It! - have students pick a vocabulary term from a hat and draw it on the board, while others guess the term.  I also use small whiteboards to allow play with smaller teams.

Question Challenge - divide your class into two teams.  Give each team 20-30 minutes to create 30 short answer questions.  Teams / players take turns asking the other team a question.

What Am I? - write key vocabulary words on sticky notes and stick one on each student's back.  Students must figure out what they are by asking others in the class questions that can only be answered with yes or no.  I've been playing this game all week and my students have totally jumped on board.  They put themselves into groups, I gave them a sticky note pad and they've been having a ball coming up with the words to review and put on each other's backs.  They've even been trying to stump me with vocabulary words... and challenge me to get the word in 6 questions or less!  So much fun!

There are also lots of free templates available on-line for games like Jeopardy, I Have-Who Has, Dominoes...  why not put a little fun into review!

Thanks for joining our end of the school year blog hop today. We had a great turn out of hoppers. The prize pack part of the hop is now closed. Stay tuned for blog excitement in mid July.  
Please keep hoping along to read our tried, tested and true survival tips.


  1. Love it!! I love games, and they are a really awesome way to have fun while still "working" (and helping to solidify learning for the students)

    Mme Aiello @ Teaching FSL

  2. I also love the idea of having students create a PowerPoint as a class welcoming the next class and giving them tips/tricks to succeed! Maybe they could even help rewrite the syllabus!

    Brownbag Academics

    1. I love that idea Mackenzie! Thanks for sharing!

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