End of Year Ideas and Blog Hop - "School's (Almost) Out!"


Welcome to our "School's (Almost) Out! blog hop hosted by Krystal from Lessons from the Middle and Joey from Create, Teach and Share!  There are some excellent resources to be WON - be sure to the click the button above to enter the contest.  Also make sure to "blog hop" by clicking the links below to check out some great end of the year teaching tips / ideas / strategies and freebies being offered by the generous bloggers below.

As much as I love the countdown to summer, it can sometimes be a stressful time of the year as students prepare for tests, teachers have to finish up final report cards and then begin the often gargantuan task of cleaning their classrooms and prepping for next year! 

Here's a fun activity I like to do at the end of the year with my students - it's called The Final Countdown. (You can grab a free copy by clicking the image below).  I ask the students to list 5 of something, then 4, then 3...   I like to do this activity and have students share their answers with each other or the entire class. It's fun to hear what everyone has to say about their year. 

If it's a nice day I like to take this activity outside - it's a nice change from the classroom and students can relax a little bit.  I also often use this time for students to provide me with some feedback - what worked for them and what didn't and why.

  I have also included a blank version of The Final Countdown that can be used as test prep - just fill in the blanks with questions that relate to your topic.
Click on the image below to grab a FREE copy! 

As part of the blog hop there's also GIVEAWAY - scroll down to the bottom of the post to see all the awesome prizes and to enter!!

Each blogger has donated a fabulous product and the winner will walk away with some awesome prizes!  I've donated one of my newest products called "Time Flies - End of Year Literacy Activities".  I had a ton of fun making the activities and I can't wait to use some of them with my class this year.  You can check it out in my TpT store by clicking on the image below.

Be sure to hop through the blogs below!!!
Little Lovely Leaders Addie Education – Teacher Talk
The Teacher Wife 2PeasAndADog Blog
MissMathDork Composition Classroom The Teaching Bank
An Educator's Life Numbers Rule My World The SuperHERO Teacher's Adventures and Advice!
Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi~I'm hopping around on the blog hop and found your blog. I'm your newest follower. :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners
