Back To School Teaching Goals

The Back to School Season is in full swing for most of us  and I like to set some goals for myself for the year.  But... I'm going to be totally honest here... I often forget what my goals were by the time November rolls around....

I learned through the years that I need to write my goals down on paper - I need a reminder throughout the year to keep me on track with my goals.  Soooo this year I've made a quick template to print out and keep in my day book and post on the wall by my desk... I'm hoping that by being constantly reminded about what I've set out to accomplish this year, that I'll be more successful!

Just to give you some inspiration and get you started, I'm going to share some of my own goals with you!

Teaching Goals
-give my students at least one brain break in each 80 min. class
-to differentiate all major assignments in the classes

Professional Goals
- to present at two conferences this year (I've recently started presenting at workshops and I'm really enjoying it!)
- to read five professional books this school year

Personal Goals
- to cook at least three new recipes a month
- to go to the gym at least once a week

Click the picture above to download your own goal setting sheet.  
Good luck!  Feel free to share a goal or two in the comment section... I'd love to hear what other teachers have planned for their year.

Freebie Fridays


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I am linking back to you on this one! :)

  3. Thanks Addie - this will come in handle over the next couple of weeks! Appreciate the share, and how it deals with us as well-rounded individuals!

    Tammy - Teaching FSL

  4. I love the idea of having goals right in front of me because I want to do everything!

  5. Thank you! I love that you've made this so cute, so that I can display it and constantly be reminded of my goals :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  6. I love this. Thanks for making it all CUTE!

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